Nourishing each other

When we think of giving, we think of nourishment. In the Bhagavad Gita it is written that when we nourish each other, we nourish the gods, who in turn nourish us. By such a simple thing as providing food for others, we are mutually nourished and attain the highest good.

The practice of giving

All in all, however we donate, we are feeding more than bodies. We are supporting spiritual growth in a very direct way. Whether aiding the hungry, sponsoring meals for those doing practices, providing for an ashram cow, or donating to the work of broadcasting teachings across the world, we are nourishing souls and helping Anandi Ma continue the work of Dhyanyogiji.

Shri Dhyanyogi dedicated his life to spiritual growth. He gave from his heart, spreading the gift of shaktipat to all who asked, sharing his knowledge freely wherever he was received, and feeding beloved villagers and their cows during times of famine in India.


Your donations in action

Contributing to a person’s spiritual awakening is the highest charity, because once we’re enlightened, all our miseries are destroyed. The blessings you receive as a result of a donation are beyond the contemplation and understanding of the mind. —Anandi Ma

How to give

Hover over any fund in the list to read about it (on mobile devices tap once). Then click the button. No matter what fund you select, you will have the opportunity to give to multiple funds in a single transaction.

Want to let Ma decide where your gift is applied? Give to the DYC General Fund where Anandi Ma has the flexibility to allocate your gift across any and all areas that need the most support.

DYC General Fund

DYC General Fund

For greatest impact, donate to this special fund where Anandi Ma has the flexibility to allocate your gift across any and all areas that need the most support.

Puja Requests

Puja Requests

Disciples can benefit by having pujas and japa performed and offered at the temple by the priest. Pujas bring special blessings for the individual as well as their family.

Meal Sponsorships

Meal Sponsorships

Just as Guruji was given his daily food while doing anushthans, we can nourish another’s spiritual growth by feeding those doing practices at retreats.

Feed a Cow

Feed a Cow

At the Nikora ashram, the cows are at the very heart of ashram life. They supply milk, and their sacred energy uplifts the spirit of the land.

Nikora General Fund

Nikora General Fund

The Nikora General Fund supports ashram’s medical clinic, maintenance of the ashram buildings and grounds, and caring for the herd of sacred cows.

Feed the Hungry

Feed the Hungry

In the US and India, we donate thousands of pounds of food each year to local food banks and villages and we support people during times of natural disasters.

Medical Center

Medical Center

Since 1998, Anandi Ma’s medical clinic in Nikora, India has provided critical medical care to hundreds of thousands of people from rural local villages.



For those who wish to make a planned gift through their will or estate plan, or choose to honor a loved one by donating, we can provide information about legacy giving.

When you feed a hungry person, it’s like chipping away at your karma. But when you give a donation to help someone evolve spiritually, it’s like removing a brick wall that was blocking your progress.  —Dileepji

When you feed a hungry person, it’s like chipping away at your karma. But when you give a donation to help someone evolve spiritually, it’s like removing a brick wall that was blocking your progress.  —Dileepji

An annual Dhyanyoga Centers tradition

Donating to the community food bank

With September-October comes the season of Shraddh, where we honor our ancestors with offerings and acts of charity, focused on food in particular. Each year we collect Shraddh donations to feed the hungry in Antioch and Nikora, donating a sizable amount of food to our local food bank in Antioch, CA. Here is a video about our annual tradition.